Friday, March 11, 2011

New Job!!!

I just thought I would let you all know that Trevor took a job in Chicago at Motorola. It is a great position for him that I know he will enjoy. His current job title is Systems Engineer. So as you can guess we will be moving to Chicago. We don't have a planned move date yet as we are still looking for a place to live but we hope to move at the end of the school year.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Family Update

So it has been quite a while since we have updated the blog and soooo much is happening in our lives so I thought I would share.

Yesterday was his birthday and we took him to The Saffron Cafe to have dinner. He got to have a wonderful dinner Chicken, rice, noodles, lemonaid, and of course Birthday cake. We were going to share more of ours with him but he was way more occupied with his friend Athena and the sparkly dancers. He had fun dancing with Athena, the dancers, and Mommy and throwing money at the dancers and so on and you get the picture. His 6th birthday was lots of fun and he says his favorite part was when the whole restaurant sang happy birthday. He got a balloon and a certificate for a new bike from Mommy and Daddy.

He has been doing great in school. His reading and writing is improving. He is having difficulties seeing so we are going to take him to get his eyes checked which will probably happen sometime at the end of march.


She is growing like crazy and getting into everything! It is so fun to watch her grow and help her learn. She is finally saying mama which makes me soooo happy. She can walk if she holds onto something but she is getting daring. She tries to let go of things and still stand and walk but she still wobbles and falls. She will get it eventually. Can you believe that she is 10 months old? It seems like just yesterday she was in my tummy.


He is still working with ERS. They send him for training a lot which is hard for me when he is gone but I am learning how to deal with it. He is working on some things with IndyGo at work. I don't know exactly what he is doing but I am sure he will expand on this entry later.


I started my next set of classes. I am taking The History of Art in Early Civilization. It is really interesting but a ton of work. In my last set of classes I got an A in Digital Image Manipulation and a B in Life Drawing. I think I could have done better but I just did not have the time to put into the Life Drawing class that could have gotten me an A. At any rate a B is not that bad.

I will be starting yoga teacher training on Tuesday. I have also been taking bellydance classes online with Suhaila Salimpour and am working through the Improv toolkit by Nadira Jamal. Anyway with all this work I am losing weight steady but sure. We still want to get me tested for thyroid issues as I still show many of the other signs.

I started to go to Al-anon last week. Holy Cats was it hard to do. I was scared and embarrassed and I knew that I just had to do something. So I went... I got a lot off my chest and found that a lot of them knew how I feel in one way or another. However no one had really been where I was so it was kinda strange and helpful all at the same time. Anyway that is about it for now.

I hope life is going as well for your family as it is for ours.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Funny baby!!!

So Bella is teething and has a little tiny tooth coming through. She is rolling over, "singing", giggling, and blowing raspberries.

Aidan is homeschooling in the morning and going to public school (K) in the afternoon. He is writing is name well. He is trying to read. And he now has a little girlfriend named Kittly. I got Aidan a small drum and he is quickly learning how to drum! He is soo... talented! When he puts his mind to it he can do anything!!!

I (Juls) got an A in my intro class. My friend Maria got me into Hoop dancing, which is dancing with a hula hoop. Me and my belly dancing group (Blue Fire Tribe) performed last weekend and did AWESOME!!! Also I started dancing at Greek Islands again. I recently decided to start teaching belly dance in January.

Trevor recently went to Chicago for a week for training and came back for two days and went back for two days. It was the longest week ever!!! I missed him like crazy!!! He has been playing Rockband2 and loves it!

That is about it. I love my family! They make my life so rich and wonderful!!!!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Bella's growing 4.5 months

So just an update on the new baby girl! She is wearing somewhere around 6mo clothes. She is giggling, smiling, jibber-jabbering and rolling over. She has tried to push herself forward with her knees but hasn't gotten very far. We are still breast feeding and doing very well. She has also tried some baby food and she looks more and more like daddy every day. :) Also, she is sleeping quite well at night. She loves to watch the fishies swim by in the fish tank. That is all very random but just about covers it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kindergarten and teeth

So after much debate we have decided to do a cross between home school and public school. While we want to home school Aidan it is a little difficult to do that for him right now because we just don't have the support system built up to make it work the way it should at the moment. So... We home school him in the morning and he goes to public school in the afternoon. So far it has worked out very well. He loves it and we have a better relationship because of it. We will eventually go to homeschooling once we get into the groups and such. Also we found that Aidan has a loose tooth! Awww... My baby is growing up so fast.

Update: Aidan lost his first tooth a few days after he started school and the tooth fairy brought him $1.00+tax :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

She has a name!!!

So Trevor and I had decided on Emma Rose Fulk or Becky Elyse Fulk.... but when baby got here daddy decided that nether Emma nor Becky fit our new baby girl. I loved the middle name Rose but Trevor didn't like the meaning sooo... back to the drawing board. Many name lists, discussions, and Google pages later we found one that we both really liked and liked the meaning of.

Isabella Elyse Fulk

Isabella is a variant of Elizabeth (Hebrew) and Isabel (Spanish, Latin), and the meaning of Isabella is "God's promise; God is my oath"

The meaning of Elyse is "noble, exalted; rational".